Of course it's a fact when you are appointing an employee, you have to think about this before selection that gyes are skilled (practical) or not .Educational background is almost first priority but sometimes it's not work properly in the main time a practical skilled but less educated (not reputation university ) gyes are work properly every time . I recently chose a person IsmailHossain for the post of
Business Executive đ(link will show you about the company) as a team leader and this person has been selected for the post as a result all of my bosses are too much pleased on me. I know importance of practical experience but my edu result is not good so many of company ignore me for my bad result. I chose him for his service attitude such as keeping of professionalism , overcoming presser ,achieving goal, growing business plan, Interpersonal skill,listening,caring,sharing etc. I assure obviously such type of employee make you happy.
Suggest : Select a candidate wisely and select from #btob #btop.
#Corprate #Corporal #Employer #Employee #Profession #Professional.
Business Executive đ(link will show you about the company) as a team leader and this person has been selected for the post as a result all of my bosses are too much pleased on me. I know importance of practical experience but my edu result is not good so many of company ignore me for my bad result. I chose him for his service attitude such as keeping of professionalism , overcoming presser ,achieving goal, growing business plan, Interpersonal skill,listening,caring,sharing etc. I assure obviously such type of employee make you happy.
Suggest : Select a candidate wisely and select from #btob #btop.
#Corprate #Corporal #Employer #Employee #Profession #Professional.
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