Monday, October 31, 2016

কৈ পাশাপাশি হাত ধরে হাঁটলেনাতো কৈ পাশে এসে বসলেনাতো ???

বলেছিলে আসবে তুমি
বলেছিলে শুনবে তুমি,
বলেছিলে পাশে হাঁটবে তুমি
বলেছিলে পাশে বসবে তুমি।
কৈ এলেনাতো
কৈ শুনলেনাতো
কৈ পাশাপাশি হাত ধরে হাঁটলেনাতো
কৈ পাশে এসে বসলেনাতো ???
তুমি এসো আমি চেয়ে আছি
তুমি এসো আমি চেয়ে থাকব।

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Is worry free employee selection related with your deep sleep ?

Of course it's a fact when you are appointing an employee, you have to think about this before selection that gyes are skilled (practical) or not .Educational background is almost first priority but sometimes it's not work properly in the main time a practical skilled but less educated (not reputation university ) gyes are work properly every time . I recently chose a person IsmailHossain for the post of
Business Executive 🔜(link will show you about the company) as a team leader and this person has been selected for the post as a result all of my bosses are too much pleased on me. I know importance of practical experience but my edu result is not good so many of company ignore me for my bad result. I chose him for his service attitude such as keeping of professionalism , overcoming  presser ,achieving  goal, growing business plan, Interpersonal skill,listening,caring,sharing etc. I assure obviously such type of employee make you happy.
Suggest : Select a candidate wisely and select from #btob #btop.
#Corprate #Corporal #Employer #Employee #Profession #Professional.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"কোন কিছুকে ভালবাসতে হলে ,ভালবাসুন সেটাকে নিশর্ত ফলে ভাললাগা বা ভালবাসার পূর্নতায় আপনি ভাসবেন পূর্নিমায় আর পুর্ন না হলেও থাকবেনা কোন অপূর্নতা"
Quotes by
#Profession #Carrier #Job #Business #Person #Beloved1#Pet #Whatever #Love #Family #Friends

Monday, October 24, 2016

"A real genius never show his or her geniuses just they creat platform to estimate them" quotes by #MomenulAhmad

Sunday, October 23, 2016

"We can't measure prophecy but guess "
By #MomenulAhamad

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

"Intelegance isn't a tree of forrest, it's a tree of desert "

Non experienced employer gather experience from experienced employees

Non experienced employer gather experience from experienced employees and fulfil his basket with precious wealth (experience ) thereafter employer through employees into a waste bin .
আমি শুন্যে ভাসি
শুন্যে অপলক চেয়ে হাঁসি,
আমি তটীনি তীরে হাঁটি
দেখতে তোমার হাঁসি,
হাঁসিলে তুমি যেন দেখিতে হও
পূর্ন শশী ।
আমি বড্ড ভালবাসি
তোমার পূর্ন শশী হাঁসি।

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

walk on the right way, right way and your walk will arrive you to catch the destiny.

Every demand can't fulfil
Every  aspect can't solve
Every hope can't touch goal
Every wealth can't finish
Every work can't success
thereafter we try
Try to achieve all of things but unfortunately we can't achieve .
Suggest - walk on the right way,
right way and your walk will arrive you to catch the destiny.
"Either you will connect me or I will connect you "doesn't matter above all Connecting is awesome and forever . #MomenulAhmad

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Love Me Or Not

I don't care
Love me
Not ,
I care
Just keep me
Your mind. #MomenulAhmad
Love me here on Twitter @telemobicell

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

You felt not me though I desire you.

Though I Were You
You weren't Me.
Though I dreamt You

I wasn't in your dream.
Though I fell You
You never felt me.
First Posted On